24 Hour Challenge
Summer 2013 was the best Summer of my life working at Walt Disney World, at the end of our programme we wanted to make the most of our last day in Disney by setting ourselves a 24 hour challenge, I got the idea from Amy’s DCP(Youtube channel), we went off her challenge, but changed it a little bit so we could do everything that we wanted to do. We titled it 24 things in 24 hours :)
1. Ride the 3 mountains
2. Eat a dole whip
3. Wish upon a star
4. Drink the Beverly
5. Hold up the Earth
6. Get a picture with each of the big 6
7. Eat a turkey leg
8. Conquer Everest
9. Join the circle of life
10. Spin in a teacup
11. Sing the national anthem in the UK pavilion
12. Collect a fastpass from each park
13. Enter the twilight zone
14. Trade a pin
15. Ride the rock n roller coaster
16. Take an animation class
17. Become a sorcerer
18. Meet a princess
19. Get pixie dusted
20. Max out Buzz
21. Find 10 hidden mickeys
22. Ride the monorail
23. Meet your favourite character
24. Be at the castle at midnight
We got up bright an early to meet Mari at Hollywood Studios so she could Main Gate us for the day.
We took pictures before starting our day :’]
When we entered the park we got ourselves fastpasses for tower and rock n rollercoaster to complete that part of our challenge later on, plus got a fastpass from toy story mania to keep as our fastpass from that park. We managed to cheat the fastpass system that day as we had our maingate tickets, room key and cast member ID’s all of which could get a fastpass :’]
After collecting our fastpasses we went to take an animation class to complete that task, we were drawing Perry, who I love, but both Becky and Mari hate :’] My Perry turned out a lot better than my attempt at Snow White :)
16. Take an animation class
After our class we could use our fastpasses for tower so went to ride that for the last time :(
13. Enter the twilight zone
After tower it was time for Rock n Rollercoaster so that we could leave Hollywood Studios.
15. Ride the rock n roller coaster
On the way out of Hollywood Studios I stopped in the clothes shop to buy the Ariel top I’d wanted for a while as that was the only shop I’d ever seen it in :) So that was it, our last visit to Studios, but I feel we did it justice on our last visit, and all in a grand total of 2 hours :)
We went and got the friendship boat over to Epcot as it’s a nice relaxing trip and we decided we had a spare half hour to enjoy our trip over there rather than rushing.
When we got to Epcot we headed straight to the UK pavillion so that we could get singing the national anthem over and done with :’]
We found a nice quiet corner near the exit for the Pooh and Tigger meet and greet, plonked ourselves next to a postbox and started singing. We got quite a few funny looks, but not too many as there weren’t very many people around us :’]
11. Sing the national anthem in the UK pavilion
We were getting hungry by this point so we decided to complete another challenge and get our turkey leg for lunch. We got one between us, as there was no way we would be able to eat one each, we struggled a lot with eating it between us and had to buy some fries about half way through to break up the taste of salty meat :’] but we just about managed it :)
7. Eat a turkey leg
We strategically finished our turkey leg in time to go and join the queue to meet Aladdin and Jasmine, who were Becky’s favourite characters that we had to meet to half complete that challenge, my favourite is pocahontas so that would have to wait until Animal Kingdom.
23. Meet your favourite character (half complete)
After meeting Aladdin and Jasmine we decided to go and face the Beverly, neither of us had tried it our whole program. We told the woman we bought our turkey leg off that we were going to try it and she wished us luck, which wasn’t the BEST sign. We got to club cool and a guy offered to take photos of us when we told him we were going to try the beverly, he laughed the whole time and took a good lot of photos to capture our reactions :’]
I did NOT like it, at all… haha
4. Drink the Beverly
On the way out of Club Cool, we went past Character Spot and noticed the wait was literally 0 minutes, so went and knocked off 3 of the big 6 we had to meet :)
6. Get a picture with each of the big 6 (half complete)
We then went to the seas to ride nemo as Becky had never done it, then went to mission space to pick up a fastpass. On the way out of Epcot we completed our last task, hold up the earth.
5. Hold up the Earth
And that was it for Epcot, it was my 2nd least visited park, and I felt like I never really spent enough time in it, when I go back I will make sure I do a full day there and see it all properly.
We then went and got a guest bus over to Animal Kingdom, it was about 3pm at this point so we were making good time.
We went straight over to Expedition Everest, we had planned to go in the single rider queue, but it was closed which meant we had to queue, we ended up queuing for about half an hour, which wasn’t the plan, but at least we got to ride together…
8. Conquer Everest
After riding Everest we headed to camp minnie-mickey so that I could meet Pocahontas, my favourite character, her meet and greet was at 5:20 and the last show of lion king was at 5:30 so we were cutting it close, but they were next to each other and there were only a few people in front of us in the queue to meet Pocahontas.
23. Meet your favourite character
We made it just in time for festival of the lion king, we were sat in the giraffe’s section, which I was in the time before, but it meant I DID know what sound a giraffe made :’]
9. Join the circle of life
We were done in Animal Kingdom, we got a final picture in front of the tree before leaving, then went to get a resort bus to the Grand Floridian.
We arrived at the Grand Floridian and went to get the monorail round to MK, there was a band playing in the lobby and they started playing Beauty and the Beast, so we ended up staying for that song, it was so cute, I love that hotel, if I could stay in any hotel it would be there or the Polynesian, I love them both :)
We then got the monorail to MK.
22. Ride the monorail
We got into MK at about 7pm, which meant we had 6 hours to complete the rest of our challenges, we were staying in a Disney hotel, so got EMH :) We went straight to the fire station so that we could become sorcerers :)
17. Become a sorcerer
We then walked up main street and got some last pictures taken in front of the castle as sun was setting, which is my favourite time in MK, I think everything looks so pretty at that time, especially the castle.
We headed over to Adventureland as we were getting hungry and dole whip was calling our names. That was my last dole whip I had, it was a good dole whip :’] I got Vanilla and Pineapple swirl which is my fave, and Becky got Orange and Pineapple swirl.
2. Eat a dole whip
After getting out dole whip we decided to cross off another challenge of meeting a princess, we decided that our favourite characters couldn’t count as our princess, so we went to meet Tiana with Naveen, I’d never met her with Naveen before so that was another thing to cross off my own list of things I wanted to do :)
18. Meet a princess
We decided we needed some proper food at this point, so decided to head to Pinocchio’s, the castle was still open to walk through so we walked through for one last time, I love the mosaics under there it’s so magical walking underneath Cinderella’s castle, it’s such an icon, I love it. On the way to Pinocchio’s we decided to see if we could get pixie dusted, we went into castle couture, and asked a cast member where we could get pixie dusted, she was just like “here” and got out her wand, I swear I instantly turned into a 5 year old girl again, we had to make a wish as we got pixie dusted, I can’t even remember what I wished for now :’] hopefully it comes/came true :)
19. Get pixie dusted
After being pixie dusted we went and got our food, and sat at one of the tables that you can look into small world from, after seeing small world, we ended up going on it as Becky hadn’t been on it all program and she remembered going on it when she was little with her parents.
We decided we should probably finish going to meet the big 6 at this point as we didn’t know if they would still be out after wishes, so we went over to storybook circus to meet Donald, Goofy and Daisy, we probably spent about half an hour in there queuing for them so not half as speedy as character spot, but we got it done.
6. Get a picture with each of the big 6
After our meet and greet, we still had 30 minutes before celebrate the magic started so we went to ride the tea cups as we knew it wouldn’t take much time, Becky hates spinny things, so was not at all excited about being on the tea cups, I on the other hand love the tea cups :D (unless Brent is in charge of spinning)
10. Spin in a teacup
We then made our way to the hub to watch celebrate the magic and wishes, we managed to bag a spot right centre in front of the castle, it was the best view of celebrate the magic I’d ever had, I was quite emotional knowing that this would be the last time I would ever see this show, I love it so much, I didn’t cry (I never have at a show or any fireworks) but I felt very sad and a little heartbroken, and wishes hadn’t even started yet.

After Celebrate the Magic it was time for Wishes, and what was probably the worst view I’ve ever had of it. NEVER go right in front of the castle for wishes, if you’re in the hub you need to be either mid sides or further back middle, front middle is too close for wishes, the castle blocks half the fireworks, don’t get me wrong, I’ve seen wishes many times, so I wasn’t TOO bothered by this, and the fireworks either side of the castle were great from this location, but the big fireworks were pretty much hidden. I also never watched wishes from Main Street my whole program, it was only ever from the hub, Tomorrowland or the polynesian, when I go back I will venture to watch it from a few more places :’]
But we still saw wishes, even if it wasn’t the best view, it was still heartbreaking to know I wouldn’t be watching wishes again for at least a year if not longer (which now seems like it’s going to be longer).

After wishes, we were on a bit of a downer, knowing that we were nearing the end of our day and our time at Disney… but we still had challenges to complete, so we ventured on.
3. Wish upon a star
We still needed to know out the three mountains so we made our way to splash, as I knew it wouldn’t be open for EMH and we didn’t want to miss out on it, on the way to splash we stopped into Becky’s restaurant, liberty tree tavern, so that she could say a last goodbye to people she worked with, we also got free drinks :D we left and continued on, we used a couple of re-adds so we could use the fastpass queue at splash.
1. Ride the 3 mountains (1/3)
As we were next to Big Thunder we decided to ride that too, and once again used re adds to avoid the queue, I love re adds I will miss them when magic bands get introduced properly.
1. Ride the 3 mountains (2/3)
Throughout the day we had been collecting fastpasses from each park, we got our final one from Big Thunder so had successfully collected a fastpass from each park :D

12. Collect a fastpass from each parkAfter big thunder we made our way to Tomorrowland to catch the last show of monsters, just so I could say goodbye to whoever was working theatre, it turned out Meghan was in preshow, and Tarin and Rachel were in theatre, so I said my goodbyes, and Tarin and Rachel chatted with me before the show, myself and Becky sat right at the back of the theatre so we could chat, something the monsters picked up on and so decided to pick on me for geography, I’d never been picked out as a guest before so it was pretty cool, and geography is my favourite bit that they do, so I was more than happy joining in and playing along :) as geography ended it was 5 to 12, so we had to be the annoying people who left the show halfway through to make sure we would be at the castle in time, Tarin walked us out and I told her I would be at buzz for close so would see her there.
We got to the front of the castle at 11:59, just in time, at midnight the castle changes colours and goes all pretty so we took some pictures and of course proof that it was midnight.

24. Be at the castle at midnight
We went over to buzz to ride through a couple of times so I could show Becky what she needed to shoot in order to max out, we went round about 4 times, and we’d gone from 20,000 to 400,000, so we decided to give up for a bit go ride space, then come back. We stopped in the buzz gift shop so that Becky could trade her pin, I’d traded mine in Epcot with a guest, I got an ariel shoe, which I showed in my souvenirs part 2 video :), Becky had been searching for the perfect pin all day and hadn’t found it, so she just gave up and traded for a reasonably nice pin off a merchandise cast members lanyard in the gift shop.
14. Trade a pin
Also on the way out of buzz we found our last hidden mickey, again throughout the day we had been finding hidden mickeys, we wanted a couple from each park, and wanted to find some new ones that we didn’t know about (we only ended up finding about 2/3 new ones)
Girl in tower of terror preshow is holding a mickey doll. (I was a bit slow taking the picture)
21. Find 10 hidden mickeysWe then went to Space, we asked if we were okay to use re adds even though it was EMH, they luckily said yes, as the queue was over 30 minutes which would take us right up to park close, instead we were in and out in about 15 minutes, which meant we had time to ride buzz through another 2 times.
1. Ride the 3 mountains (3/3)
We went back over to Buzz to try and max out, we went round in separate cars this time, Becky only managed to get to 600,000 but I maxed out on one gun and very nearly maxed out on the second so we decided that just me maxing out was good enough to complete our task, which was lucky as there was 5 minutes until park close.
20. Max out Buzz
And that was it, our 24 hour challenge was completed. We stayed at buzz and waited for everyone to close the ride so that I could say bye to Tarin and Eric. Then we walked over to the castle, I realised I was leaving Tomorrowland for the last time and very nearly broke down again, but I managed to hold it together, we took some “we don’t want to leave pictures” and hung around the castle waiting for the goodnight kiss, which was about 1:40pm, it was so cute and I’d never even known that it happened until that day so it was good to see before we left.
We walked down main street for the last time, taking it all in and made our way out of Magic Kingdom to get the bus back to riverside.
It was a very long and tiring day, but I can’t imagine being able to make any more of that last day, we experienced everything we wanted to and visited all 4 parks. We got back to riverside at about half 2, and had to be up at 10am to pack and check out of our room, we literally collapsed into bed after an amazing day.