Recently on TV there have been a lot of top 10 Disney song things on and to be honest I haven't really agreed with any of them so I thought I would put together my own top 10 :)
Honorable mention, Dig a Little Deeper - The Princess & the Frog
This song didn't make my top 10, however I love the message of this song and the fact that this film brought Disney back into another era of good animated films after around a decade of questionable choices.
10) Frozen - Let it go
So this song had to make it up here, it's the biggest Disney song with children around the globe after being around for 2 years it's not lost it's impact.
The soundtrack to this film is amazing and though over hyped I can't help but sing along whenever the songs come on, especially in the Disney Parks, when this song comes on the whole audience joins in and I think that's a great thing.
I love Idina and her voice is just perfect for this and definitely makes all the difference, that note at the end is such a hard note to belt, I have nothing but admiration for her :)
9) Out There - Hunchback of Notre Dame
This film used to scare me to death when I was younger and to be honest that's not surprising when you consider the subject matter, however I think the soundtrack for this Disney film is one of the best, not particularly uplifting, however the music throughout the soundtrack is broadway ready with great chorus numbers as well as solos and I would love to see this on stage.
I love a number of the songs from this film, god help the outcasts is such a lovely song, however this is the song that makes my hair stand on end.
8) I Won't Say (I'm in Love) - Hercules
This is another film with what I would call an unappreciated soundtrack, there isn't a song in the movie I can think of that I don't love, and this is by far my favourite.
The film itself is really clever and funny and Meg is one of my favourite female characters in a Disney film.
I remember being younger and pretending to be meg dancing around singing this song while hopping over imaginary rocks and singing with imaginary muses. It's just one of those songs that I've always appreciated on some level, whether for the tune or for the lyrics or for the character singing it.
7) Part of Your World - Little Mermaid & I See the Light - Tangled
Okay so I just figured out I still have 8 songs left on my list so joint 7th place it is for these 2 as I couldn't just cut one out!!!
Part of your world is just one of those songs you can't help but sing along to, it just makes you feel like a mermaid who brushes her hair with a fork and what could be better than that I ask you?!
I love Tangled, it's my joint favourite Disney animated film, I love the story, I love the characters, I love that it was the first proper Disney musical in what felt like forever (I'm sorry but princess and the frog was just a film with songs it's not the same), I love that Alan Menken came back and wrote the music for it and I love the lantern scene more than any other scene in any other Disney film.
This song is just perfect for that moment, and this duet between the two main love interests is also perfect.
6) Circle of Life - The Lion King
Is anyone's Disney top 10 complete without a song from Lion King, this song is the most iconic movie opening song that I can think of, it just completely sets the scene and feel for the whole movie.
Elton John did an amazing job with the music for these songs and the Lyrics by Tim Rice are perfect.
To be honest I do prefer the musical version of this song to the film version as I just think it's a lot more powerful but both are great pieces of music.
5) When You Wish Upon a Star - Pinocchio
No song feels more like Disney than this song, from the opening of every film when I was younger those few bars would come on and you knew it was time to watch a great film.
Now that I am older this song has even more meaning to me, it reminds me of my time working in Walt Disney World as this song is the basis for Wishes which is my favourite nighttime spectacular at any Disney park I've visited.
4) Friend Like Me - Aladdin

For me this movie was made by Robin Williams, without his Genie I truly don't think this movie would have been as brilliant as it is. I love the characterization in this song and think it brings the soundtrack to life.
I think the soundtrack of the whole film is really good and I can't wait to see the musical version when it opens in the west end in 2016 :)
3) Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious - Mary Poppins
Mary Poppins is one of those films that is loved by so many and for good reason the songs are amazing and the story speaks to all ages. There are so many songs to choose from but this is my favourite from them all, it's so fun to sing along to and to say :)
2) Colors of the Wind - Pocahontas
Pocahontas is my favourite Disney film of all time, I've loved it since I first saw it in the cinema when I was 2 years old! (over 20 years ago)
I love this song, I love the meaning behind it and the lyrics and the tune and the animation. It's just beautiful :)
1) I'll Make a Man Out of You - Mulan
I just love this song, it's so fun to sing along to, it's fun to do all the voices, it's just fun and that is why it tops my list :)
What are your favourite Disney songs? Do you agree with my top 10?